The asset allocation within The Fund is driven by the overall investment objective. Specific equity, fixed income, and alternative investment asset classes are used in the portfolio at the targeted percentage for each allocation shown in the graph. Portfolio allocations are subject to change. The portfolio allocation is reviewed quarterly and is not rebalanced unless the imbalance exceeds 2%. It is recognized that market action may cause an imbalance in the interim period. However, such fluctuations are normal and acceptable.
Target Allocation

The asset allocation within The Fund is driven by the overall investment objective. Specific equity, fixed income, and alternative investment asset classes are used in the portfolio at the targeted percentage for each allocation shown in the graph. Portfolio allocations are subject to change. The portfolio allocation is reviewed quarterly and is not rebalanced unless the imbalance exceeds 2%. It is recognized that market action may cause an imbalance in the interim period. However, such fluctuations are normal and acceptable.